Useful advices If likes you Brezhnev Leonid Iliich our nice and be prayed you ready for his(its) beautiful image. If red знамена in room its keep and all wait, well when you in C.K. fast will take, that all with you already clear, here advices безполезны. Express we can only condolence to you. But else we shall say straight that can not about support to declare the thief pocket and растлителям детей. If you for day рожденья friends in guests have invited, and they gift prettily you, adding, have presented, do not moan from delight, postpone the лобызанья, - after all eat much more all sort of things they. At the table watch that guests whole meal have not eaten. Who to meal will stretch hand - blanch on hand straight, well, but if who will allow замечанье do You, blanch the spoon on лбу straight, do not scruple nobody. And then, certainly, guests will very grateful You for Your угощенье and for weasel, kindness. If You, in tram going on route number eight, suddenly overpunch ticket forgot, and on you have attacked suddenly aggressive comptroller, molest You became actively, require else why-that show him ticket, on it You do not get angry, but say frankly that in war You spilted for Russia its blood, hereto else add that Chernobyl washed that in Osetii foughted ( keep silent, for who ), tell, what rescued You детей in mountain house that have an раненья that in general Vy. invalid, that long ago itself has covered the indelible геройством, and that to hold Russia solely on You. And then all in tram will immediately kneel, and pray the прощенья will be an aggressive comptroller. With tear of the veteran of the comptroller embrace and say that have forgiven You him(it) very long ago. If You in музее much like one picture and dream all time, as her(its) заполучить - this is done simply - on eye beside all people You remove the picture and carry away home. The Truth, can be, all this does not like whomever, and workmans museum You пущать will not want.. You say him that this - Your, in the general-that, picture and else detail it is necessary You on her дорисовать. If You on motor ship sailled in turn blue ocean, and suddenly amongst nights became at April he sinks, do not drag the womans to boat, do not throw the детям to cordages - a false humanism. Better дам does not подпускайте to Your boat, огревайте their багром, do not let and детишек, only for provender hold, so showing people true Your humanism. If You, пришедши in guests, for instance, on mundane supper, notice that You adore not all, be agitated You do not cost(stand), this quickly amendable, and will occupy at all not more eighteen minutes. The derby get For beginning with hot soup, выливайте on neighbour, чтоб one he did not long for. But then under table climb and rumble much aloud, will turn then вниманье all on Your beautiful roar. Finally You, as in circus, пожонглируйте the knife.. Let глядят завороженно on flying finger of the fate. Having Overturned aloud tablecloth, leave on-english. And I смею You to notarize - in memories of the guests for a long time You remain then. If you in wood дремучем suddenly accidentally saw that some fir tree hacks bad person, you say the person that he - a reptile, rascal and person without talent, ruin;destroy;kill he nature our, our wild wood.. But herewith speak you with big расстоянья since although and word power mellow has, but axe-that beside it. If you on телебашню suddenly on foolishnesses залезли, but to folk downwards to come down impossible you at all, get from pocket of the leaflets, patrons and double-barreled handgun. And shoot - you see who is found adown. And then, certainly, the authorities certainly you will notice And with почетом with телебашни carefully remove you. If you have stuck in lift, do not yell, do not holler, and not жмите on all buttons as rakish олигофрен. But peacefully and safely lid of the lift you пробейте.. there, outside, will тросик.. his(its) possible cut, and then begin something interesting for You. If went you on road, on iron on road, but toward with horizon train by leaps and bounds rushes, do not are embarrassed and on rails head to stay up - foolish will occupy, nor to that nor will bring, better you take the railroad tie, machinist помашите, but if you will get with лбу - will be a firework! Unless have bought you cake and in cinema with itself has not took at night, possible on parents обидиться and уйти without hat in night get cold. But not simply so stroll on semidarkness, better straight to Dark in staff moves, there, certainly, Zavulon you are met, and in Day Watch you will take with joy. Here is then will hear the ma with pope(pa), закричат, заплачут and забегают, and will rush to buy the cake, and in cinema with itself will take you at night. If You ball once upon a time прям in window have pleased and aquarium has split, do not hurry to run away. Wait, after all possible, rejoicing such goal, you is praised victim for rakish such blow, And that You have got with aquarium exactly, will name You bombardier and soccer star. We shall Expect, You as genius сочинили one fairy tale, and wanted b to print for readers her(it). That advises the hope not to supply such completely, modern books publisher loves not at all sheatfish. give Him stripping and the other detectives, and tearful novels about wretch about любви. And in mediocre that виршах will hear he with восхищеньем all their own daydreams and awes, гения zh will not acknowledge. If, accepting bath, have found accidentally that have soaped You leg all zh someone else, not its, see - can, in bath Your neighbour was withdrewed in the morning, there he today reposes, and he has not noticed You. If on someone else planet you walked only in space suit and have got under престранный and метеоритный rain, are they quickly hidden You in rocket since umbrella hardly You will help, when overhand asteroid will. If you will go in exploring, Yes else in exploring to боем, In boot and маскхалате, With thick bag on belt, That advises to awaken That wars long ago uzh нету, - You not in field, but in chamber Psihbolinicy number five. And physician you do not oppose You they good want. And think You themselves Well why You dynamite? If gold(en) pike You once upon a time изловили And she желанья your Execute promised, Want uzh machine And suits from Versache, Vapour(pair) сотен tons лосося And полцентнера roes! And when here is this will become Not daydream, but real, Pike to release no need Is useful for fish soup. If you on антрактиде Rush прям on BTR-e, А toward foolish penguin On you left поглазеть, And herewith so he left. Having Partitioned road That her(its) you have overlayed, Do Not move to the right Vylezayte with BTR-but, Tell you penguin About distant about edge. Where always heat and dryly, Where feeding объеденье And his(its) you invite With you in this дивный edge. And when сей foolish penguin To you on BTR залезет, That takes his(its) immediately will Exactly be all surprise! If you elephant has solved In Africa to caught, needs you Much bluffing machine For hunt on elephant ( is identified the machine On-scientific Oka ). Saddled that machine, In reeds гоните boldly Zazevavshego elephant. Caught so elephant fairly often, Truth, more often their do not caught, But after all you must that exactly Certainly carry! If you on cosmodrome Suddenly accidentally were losts, Zalezayte ka in rocket That is found вблизи. And dispatch expect On nearest planet.. Here possible variants: Io, mars or venus, But, certainly, try Not to get you on pluto. There such холодрыга Ten once freeze possible, And from there after all, with pluto, did Not return nobody. If combined team to Russia With Belgium in a draw plays, But here is-here is will already miss Akinfeev important ball, Dash out you on field, Resort you in penalty And lie, not getting up, There eleven minutes. And here to you uzh certainly arbitrator Itself then прискачет, You will place on stretcher, With field quickly carry. But you this do not are embarrassed gambol спрыгните since носилок And run you on field With shout - Give me to play! Under good preparation Preparation in the sense of harness racing Possible win the minute, For command and country. If in atomic submarine someone small hinged window pane will open, You yell the crew: "On compartment at a walk march!" And on small hinged window pane dash, close her(its) body, so will help the Fatherland even under water in the night. The Truth, You all this do are able, when You become deserted on undersea that boat, will not leave, as usually, You to stand ashore. It is nothing do not agree You swing on качелях. since will be a people shameless to gape, staking out flight, better You on round-robins, on horsy are rolled, - will not notice You nobody. If You in march long went in region Syropyatki, that possible and виденья, from june from fervours. You see there lock, and beautiful tree, parks, gardens and fountains and, certainly, gardens, You in oasis do not hurry, better thermos You open and испейте You водицы, and visions will pass. If You once upon a time on appointment has Invited the girl good, that immediately her(its) lead you, for instance, in your town theatre. There during представленья boring on all speak успеете, and to the last пиесы action much a great deal will You know. In завершенье this evening do not forget стребовать from that girls money that that on ticket have spent, and then she свиданье, faithfully, will not forget this never! Never entrust the unacquainted uncle, aunt, ибо, as long ago known, there is swindlers among them. Concern with отъемом they facilities beside населенья, чтоб itself him преспокойно carefree поживать. However, there is now in Russia children, from which quickly and swindlers, and thiefs will much run away. If you have promised the price to reduce for полгода, but happened, as usually, all quite on the contrary, keep cool населенью possible anything tell lies. But try to tell lies beautifully, CHtob, not in power to come off, Zataiv дыханье, people Long listened lying. And, uzh if you have told lies, Try that people did Not go on area Their OMON not so will understand. If in the morning you alarm clock will By chance wake warble, But желанья to rise No you have no, On work reluctance On it you do not go, Better spare hour take a nap You in bed and in flicker;glimmer.. Well but if you will fire Hereon absence Well, will think, work, Here is uzh too duck soup! If воспитать dog You have solved straight from childhood, Read better book to Her Gerasim and Mu-Mu . Hereon pawl So uzh to hear you become That shirts will iron, Coffee to give in bed. If You in rocking chair by summer serene reposed, but раздался terrible boom on area, wild noise - know - that cacophony Your neighbour врубил wretch, her to delight trying unassuming its rumour. If zh You какофониеи will Get the neighbours overhand, That peacefully and safely Pererezhite wire. And then cacophonies do Not hear you more, Realy only in drums They will be able застучать. know; aware: Not in vain on vegetable garden planes will пролетают. They wait, чтоб you waved And greeted them. For махания such you, certainly, is useful the scarecrow that in vegetable garden lonesome so cost(stand)s. And start;put all resent, you wave itself boldly if you see overhand, that, probably, will reward. If went you on border And accidentally saw That toward on-пластунски Violator to You creep, Are Not scared and are not hidden, From he do not runs away, Better крикните You aloud: Flock! Surrender!! The Hands upwards!! And from this from shout Violator вмиг will, On lap with fright Before You will fall. Caught so enemy to Russia, Truth, more often their do not caught, But after all You must-that exactly Certainly carry! If You cat has bought, Well but he suddenly turned out to be And мяучим, and прыгучим, And flying etc. On rug he became to mount, And fly like squirrel On people, underbiding vases And exquisite porcelain. On it you do not get angry, But take in Syropyatku, There, on datcha, he from awe to Withdrew under knoll. And tremble he will long, Expecting electric trains will For ever remember this Inctructive lesson. If built You bath And in fervour, and in hail, and in rainstorm, And was in total got Bath very good, But neighbour not this bath Turned out to be on disposition, were Taken they brawl And shout on You.. You say him that this Your Rozhdestvenskiy gift, And them in bath invite are Let weakened mildly. If You went fishing, but passer-by saw that, became to question You, how much You have caughted in this day. Do Not get angry, - show that порос creek herb if fish zh You have caughted, спрячьте загодя her(it). If on bicycle to teach want ride, abut against and run, are hidden from it fast. Since on him possible in such place to turn out to be, where Makar телят did not groom, where not sweetly for детей.. For instance, bicycle frame you uzh have saddled and prepare to flash by on track with ветерком. In this case take into account that you will get on way poles, fence, puddles and mountain with sand. If you raised the cactus, and were accidentally pricked, keep cool, do not yell, do not boot him(it) in vain. Better - present the friend, let he strikes the eye растенье. You he will be at prick by good word to recall. If You have poured with water over the dirt a silt by contempt has poured with water over, do not hurry, do not swear, do not throw the stone here. But in person You villain intently only see - and when glance will conduct he, slap in the face possible to give. The Truth if he exceeds in effect You certainly, then even so come наказанье postpone. If in past have approached You on butterfly sick, And having returned, saw Shift to the right world eccentrics, Enter in presidents, Don't care uzh You виднее, What manage folk And country to control. If have written многотомник You, Exceeding Made someone look fat on amount of the Offers, words, but all zh readers Your talent, however, not расчухали, That then on they do not take offence You, Write him advices bad, will Let think then readers, will Let acknowledge in You, however, гения. If You have solved the honey to plagerize beside bees, взяв him(it), quick run to have not overtaken You. And not only bees - can You and beekeeper to overtake and for honey that You have withdrewed, properly наподдать. If you enemy want to Win at a blow, You rockets and projectiles Absolutely nor to that. Throw to him on parachute You Mihalycha dean, Beloshapkovoy textbook, Group agency Epic tale , Group local comptroller, Uprazhneniya Vasilenko, Graduate student and master And school вахтершу, Small Wave Oster, Lecturer from group Carp . In hour enemies, sobbing, Resort to surrender in captivity. If from marsh of the hippopotamus You dragged, for instance, today, but in next room to familiar aunt, shall say, adult came, do not scare the aunt by hippopotamus, - let compote откушает peacefully! - after all her(its) its You type only can today frighten. On datcha by summer well And possible repose, No need to bother itself Weeding weed. start;put Plants grow All itself, start;put цветут, give the fruits On joy детворе. No need rubbish вывозить And branches to collect, Their birds itself With area will carry away. But if You all zh sometimes to Want the labour, Then prepare барбекю, CHtob heartily all eat. On datcha it is necessary only to play and time to conduct, so, чтоб playing and jokingly, all grow to be able. start;put Other weeds выпалывают the round day, put in care around flowerbeds with hose is tripped. Beside you will water all year rain, and weeds themselves, seen your flowering type, from garden will run away. But river for them all observe YU.HVOSTENKO If You long ago are afraid, As it were not to offend the image If seems for You Observe newly river. If often speak You with filly solitary And consider that it is important For You purpose преодолеть, If statics движенья Constantly безпокоит, Consult it is necessary With Your лечащим physician. You me before that will bring that I you shall throw with the second etazha. or itself выпрыгну A.E.Eremeev If You have caught Mihalych For loved deal Your, For instance, when student You threw from window, Do Not are embarrassed, not глупите Jump on windowsill And say that ready You continue their flight. And then dean, certainly, On knee You will ask That You as academician All zh itself поберегли. Beside deserted зайцев VWVtake in bolishie. and so these zaycy. they are easy vaporized . V.PONOMARENKO If went You on desert And suddenly зайца saw, Unusual paint And with ушами as if jet-black, If under bush lilac On брегу pond sat he, But under your приближеньи Hare quickly испарился Together with кустиком and гладью, Signifies, it is necessary You to confess This was a mirage not hare That appeared whilst in transit. On picture Vasiliya Surikova изображена tragedy SHekspira . M.ZHURAVLEV If You wrote the composition On picture, but her(its) have not understood, Possible in this case on гения, On SHekspira that is to say, all dump. But uzh if You in that composition were Taken write about философии, do Not forget that as far back as spare there is Feyerbah, F.KAFKA and Kamyu. I have seen, as мурашки has run on back Word was so tasty that I his(its) has eaten . M.LUCHANOVA We shall Expect, sometimes You at night Visit the привиденья strange: Seems You that мурашки run, As elephants greater on back, Or word You caught dream To prepare him(it) with ketchup, Or infect the people try On their own You lecture with morning. Signifies, You in vain do not pass the Rate an леченья, You physician nominated, Signifies, You in vain bother the Backbreaking knowledge Your brain. Draw the linens a mask well so on sundown, thoroughly, unhurried, nowhere hurrying. Draw so possible in Omsk, beside central fountain silt ashore beautiful most picturesque yard. Only take You do not forget the umbrella, he whole нужнее. that дождик Your drawing definitively has not washed off. If You roll with hutches, try to dodge from friends that with You beside, берегитесь them, they can You to get under skis, закричат then, in insult will long since You have run into on them. Possible, in park you one Sat on pew, And here is, reading Sartra that, have Seen you that Grew dark rickety шорьки Pyryalisi on new, And хлюкотали землюки As мюмзики in мове, That длиннохрастый Mihalych Already рептит on зель That heard his(its) furious хрыч For тридесять мезель. Then writer You in that do Not sweep away to accuse, after all simply You then already No need more to drink. Be friends, get acquainted with people Risky very.. Give head nor in as nowhere climb! But simply building you сиди And all their own friends Forget as certain terrible dream, And anymore bell On telephone him, then All will say about you That life of your cares packed And no time you Concern with this trifle Conversation with one, In beautiful adolescence your Was other for you. If went You on road and have noticed the icicle that drooped with roofs зданья, that do not arouse on taste. CHtob not заболели гланды, you icicle avoid, and мороженное after better bathe in ларьке. "Fish - good essence" "In fairy tale "Alenikiy flower" such no to senior сестер possible was sting, bite" "Question зашел in fairy tale". YU.HVOSTENKO. If appeared feeling that You in fairy tale have suddenly got if often talk with fish - good essence, if You sister постарше bite want to nights if mirror today You in person all speak, signifies, too much today You prepared to зачету, - a baby literature better anymore to read. If You on deltaplane Suddenly взобрались on hillock, do Not hurry to go To exciting flight. See: do not run On plain people all, CHtob on them You did not fall, When will fly. If You in football have called the Teachers to play, In particular, hand wave, has Offered You Usakov. Do Not hurry You on field Since our Oleg Can only call You, Itself not at all will come. You to come be blown away For it and for itself, Much powerfully after all play the Mathematicians in football. Aleksey Lipin returns after serious talk in deanery of the thirtieth December. - Aleksey, beside you behind someone have hitched the tablet Pni me . - Well yes? - So сними her(it). - Can Not. She closes the wound . ( anecdote ) If You prepared once upon a time In institute evening new year's, That do not entrusts Usakovu Mikes he will not bring. If Usakovu You will give On concerto ready tickets, He their will immediately send the dean, is Woke;waked itself and has printed them. And uzh if our Oleg hand Became to wave in incongruous type, This signifies that concerto Your exactly Uzh does not состоится at December. If You on пересдачу have Suddenly directed the linguists, do Not hurry, do not cram, do Not try all teach. Since modern Our language literary Under detailed рассмотреньи Can You with wit to reduce. Do Not despair, ибо Half of Your group Too after all on пересдачу will Certainly get. If You have sent the nautilus, summer or clear springtime, do not run You for him on puddle unless parcels of land You rubbers. CHtob not to catch cold, put on the raincoat-tent, boots greater, helmet, scarf and sweater warm too, also do not forget about trousers. Beside крылечка on sundown do not chatter the nonsences if even You and school have not finished else. If You - a big scientist if genius You, then will possible be on sundown about science to speculate. If You with morning dream, as poet to become, then think that you do will, when enormous glory and popularity to You will come. Will come the friends, admirers, and autographs to ask uzh are taken, and подарков and toy ensemble to You under door will bring then. And uzh if детям has written You book You "Advices bad", that prepares - with You they will do all that is there described in verse. If have met You friend, question You him(it), will let tell he in detail, as he loves and lives. But when about same will ask You, deaf so pretend, after all set off in откровенья rashly very. Do Not behave oddly, do not dream, do not fly to cloud since населенье You Russia will not understand. After all long ago they consider that poets - an eccentrics, and poetry in earnest not will they Your take. However, possible him poem or tale сочинить - толстые such books is much valued on Light brown. If You work has selected Beside teacher young Then when meeting with he hold it is important, Poprivetstvuyte his(its) You Good afternoon! And then young teacher Certainly will even so value That live You very комфортно And that conscience does not alarm You. If You in march were going to, try to get up on skis, overhand sweater натяните and take You rucksack. And see then You that uzh summer has approached, and go in march not it is necessary You on ski with rucksack. If did You грядку and in fervour, and in hail, and in дождик, and was in total got грядка very good, from envious соседей You her(its) укройте quickly to on грядку did not gape these .. these eccentrics. Water the грядку often, and then on her such вырастет that wonder, восхититесь You very. Nothing do not promise the graduate student You since филфака, let in its hope strange world research they. Do Not let's be protected by him, and You then, certainly, not взрастите of the rival, and watch their own safely save You then. If long ago on Your enterprise dwells flock a cat, and considerable, at the head with Gun and Myasoedkoyu, well as well as with Murkoyu and Musikoyu, invite You on enterprise of the representative record books Ginnesa, let he достиженье will fix, will reward Nataliyu Nikolaevnu for care, the cat removing.. And delivers he her полтонны "вискаса". Or even Musiku will take in England to show her(it) on exhibition. If You have fallen into gap On loved Mercedes And onward already проехать Impossible You at all. Do Not shoot You on people, do Not dash from machine Get from pocket You flasher and upstairs, Exactly wonder the people! But afterwards, when not will Uzh neither stoppers, nor roads, Ah, as is of interest, Ah, as will well! If group terrorist Plane Your has seized, do Not swallow You tablets, do Not strive in window, Do Not scare the terrorist, Simply hands they will shake, So delay вниманье Them, when begin the assault. If love You white Colour and live in chamber, Not to toil, not to learn, Not to weed and not to plow, If Your limit of the daydreamings This local hospital, And there want powerfully, That can You to prompt. Leave You on area And yell much aloud: Elicin! Elicin! Elicin! Elicin! Elicin!! Elicin!! Where he? And then stretcher-bearers You kindly raise slightly And place on stretcher, But potom. what know, what know.. "SHtirlic went on Berlin. Suddenly he has heard the swearing and shouts in open window on втором floor. Little waiting someone вываливается from window. "Again to Modern russian homework check", - guessed SHtirlic" ( anecdote ) On light no miraculous занятья on SRLYA - about this possible canto and fairy tales to write. Marina Nikolaevna, leading him(it) although looks and strange, but asks all. And if You on lectures napped and do not know that was on house is given, that влипли You then - Marina Nikolaevna You will ask without fall and Your preparation will value without labour. But if Dasha Freyvalid will answer without запинки, that will stop Dashu - "In notebook not to watch!" And девочка is embarrassed, and once again on старинке will put(deliver) the vapour(pair) Kaplina, чтоб all taught henceforward. If Your neighbour in apartment became to knock самозабвенно, You his(its) cover the rug, withdrew the gavel. He will think that this already night beside us have come, and then drill and брякать he, probably, will stop. If went You on Pandore and accidentally saw the girl of folk Slander, do not hurry to kiss. From such поцелуя can suddenly conflict to appear between Your and that race, and begin terrible fighting. Ulybnitesi and peacefully past Slander You pass, so will help the землянам, spare words not dialect. Towheaded macaque Under my window.. From poem Al.Lipina If towheaded macaque With наступленьем nights You alarm If cliff clatters копытом, That take You бачок water And macaque straight from окошка You then water irrigate, After all when she will drench, That will not be able aloud so yell. Was born Dozornym терпи Fates blows and snub, After all noble spirit, Can happen, Carry disfavour, anger of the People and expect moment, When answer You him, So simply having ordered From mirk to leave all! And do a little running the boys That so carelessly pertained to You, And in this there is its award. Midges fly, sitting beside window.. Al.Lipin The Midges fly, sitting beside window? Signifies, too much saws You blame. If You hunt to jump from anguish, Signifies, overeated on dinner crackles. If it was shown beside аватар , Signifies, felt the sunstroke. If have written the glorious acrostic, Signifies, You remained on their own two. If once upon a time on болоте You frog has met, with her mundane conversation do not hurry to begin. And that паче - do not kiss since she can be a source infect and infections wholly. In microscopes do not see if You not bold boy. There see the зверушек and creeping, and wood louses. In increased that type they can person without special preparation much powerfully frighten. If cat You have closed in cabinet for three days, from she do not expects the weasels You and kindnesses. Unbolting, берегитесь, - can выпрыгнуть she, and вцепиться in head of hair, You for this having avenged. If properly дербалызнули, before безчуру rallied You at night, do not go neither here nor there, went crazy глядя on детей. Better You find the гулеванщицу, silt брезгушу or even вшивицу, on soiree with her then move You, - with profit evening will is organized. If with hutches in Krasnoyarke rush You on mountain ski if summer You in Anape, but winter You in YUAR, if on Moon in запарке disembarked You in the night if You in Paris were, have won million, that advises to awaken - were all виденья, You not in Africa - in chamber психбольницы number six. Beside me hands in general-that not from that place grow . motivate, motivate, But that I already see the твою an закатку eye S.E.MYLINIKOVA. If suddenly beside You hands Vyrosli on tele where at all did not expect You see them with morning, Postarayte примененье This выросшим hand You find without промедленья, and caught in institute You are an студентку, but afterwards Her task You give Motivate the word. Although she eye vain Pleads for mercy, do Not let's the послабленья, - Let she will remember firmly This life lesson. Rain all wet, in the same way as tops cedar all wooden From answer Alekseya Lipina on practical occupation on modern russian language. If You under rain have got, But he turned out to be wet, See on top of the Cedar that there, in height. She budet. wooden, And then uzh You will understand That taught not in vain Modern You language. Do Not read, do not see On orders on board In институтском corridor Let without you they hung. Since in that order Possible as if in wood So get mixed up that output After long will not find. After all further нагнетаньем Tension of the conflict There authorities explains the most simple thing. So You, not understanding These strange orders, Long think about abstract Will as here is eccentric. If once upon a time in institute You circle beautiful, Theatrical, and students There philologists came. Having Looked at that student, Poskorey from they run Since not видали You else actresses such. And yell their do not take into account About village, wilderness, Saratov, Therefore as will not adopt They complex сей subject. After all theatre not their work, There after all it is necessary to remember dug, Well hereto linguists Not capable, eccentrics. If You once upon a time on филфаке Rate literature have read, And on practical work to You on will occupy Group twenty third came, With them can You do much, About than You were dreamt hitherto. Can on them to holler, песочить, be Expressed vile and abuse, Study and harass, And bend the детей in ram horn. And ask beside Tank Cyganovoy Babe, you in детсад went? А in nose you earlier rummaged? This You повергните her(it) In condition самозабвенья, Quickly выбежит she from class, Well but you that time do not lose, And are taken monitor to torture. If thinks she all faithfully, That direct the foots to Olige Dayness. Olya, whom works your pope(pa)? - Possible beside it then ask. If You students answer All in detail and without запинанья, THANK GOD, where my innocence! - You воскликните then under all. And when students all zh are embarrassed, will Possible continue their find fault with, And honor and shaving with them to remove. Tell off, чихвостить in tail and mane, And coat, and penetrate. If to You dean will call at, then only You are a virgin lamb pretend, And say that you much it is difficult That student wild to train. If You professor finds fault with And in ram horn сгибает Then to him you approach. Approached leg on tail, From tail his(its) big Vapour(pair) feather you take, the most bright and beautiful. Exactly wonders he! And on You he glance will place, But afterwards, collected power, He on joy all boys Zakrichit as cockerel. If You want the hairdresser to become, then езжайте in England. There on rates russian hairdresser take all, to whom not laziness. And hairstyles will be an english to people to do You then tirelessly so will not hear their familiar, and neighbours even and kinsfolk. If on literature You to lesson not ready, do not hurry to institute You on practical work to go. You check: suddenly Miniona knows the secrets тэквондо? If knows, that come, is seen, learn the lesson. In предложеньях запятые absolutely nor to that if You and so understandable that is there said and as. So You Geyko declare and support You friends and nobody You will not force punctuation to teach. The Toy baby never child show, - as soon as he will see them, that notice to ask. And even in baby shop his(its) водить does not follow, after all he will there be able to see itself gift all zh. But better in adult shop child conduct You, after all there not immediately he will understand that this will sell. If You on datcha by summer bonanza under яблоней searched for, try, чтоб neighbours have not noticed that. Since - what see, without fall прискачут, and вскопают Your area, чтоб find the fondest bonanza. But who such A.YU.HIPPIN? I.A.BRONFELID If You have entered in hippie Then on lectures You спрячьтесь, Try not to get Bronfelidu You on eye. Since if Bronfelid You as hippie заприметит. That зачета on IOMU You then uzh not видать. If You for birth day have Presented something in упаковочке, do not see, do not move You Your gift, but call all - MCHS, fireman and lifeguards, let they are first realized that in boll as one should that not бонмба this Your surprise. If at night child to Concern with not with hands, Can he itself to make Running in place and football. Possible also gambol jump, And jump, and sing, and will be a Pope(pa) with ma very pleased That child their does not sleep. If "Robinzonu Cruz" You have once upon a time read, that nanny goat do not wind, do not caught the skull. And on coast no need to prowl in quest of индейца, in horizon to watch no need in ожиданьи nave. But when knocks the neighbours, hammer on anvil then on them You do not yell - You they not so will caught. One, goes in guests, know: It is Necessary more to take the sweetmeats, Explaining all that sweet will Not spoil the appetite. If You there cake will offer, Require the big piece, And greater spoon - possible Her much почерпнуть. If in courtyard lycee You have caughted oldster Derzhavin And, descending in known place, was Taken bless, That then do not get free From his(its) embrace strong, do Not hurry from poet You, сумняшесь, run away. Here is other лицеисты - In this case moaned And sobbed, but Derzhavin Their bless haved time to. If it was met Rasputin Too in courtyard lycee You and on обыкновенью водочки he has offered. On it You do not get angry, But say frankly That his(its) long ago wanted Here is about than always ask. Let he word will Explain on language slavonic *koikos, will Conjugate in имперфекте Verb BYTI , but afterwards Will Let find, than there is similar the Oxen with bee then Rasputin, having Heard sheatfish, заплачет And will want to run away. You his(its) stop And ask, on stone Silt not терние has sowed;sown Their own семена an oldster. And then Rasputin взвоет, Vyrvetsya from You, помчится, Forgetting all on light, In polyclinic to physician. Keep cool in vain No way and never If you зачет have not delivered will Well think, trouble. To пересдаче You will help is Prepared not in vain Mule, Elfimova and Musya My glorious friends. If love You russian, Yes additionally modern If believe help Boduen-de-Kurtene Understand in any deal, Beloshapkovoy textbook to You as friend-guidebook will Certainly approach. He good, very thick, And will help You, probably, Thoroughly student Zamorochiti and occupy. For checking week of the estimation to Put it is necessary not You, but others, One, You all subjects rather On филфаке taught. Let dean all their will together oblige, All teachers Your To to You they approached And asked in checking slip They mark to put(deliver) any, Here is then will splendid, but one, slip did not give You checking, On зачет, пересдачу will go. Such small тараканчик and so much folk! YU.HVOSTENKO He has described such animal as cockroach: with him детишки meet most often A.LIPIN If studied You CHukovskogo Book under названьем Tarakanische , Try close composition of the Baby poet not to take. Since in this Tarakanische Plenty of strange персонажищей, For instance, in ditch elephant забившийся, - Here is such terrible animal. Yes and itself full-grown тараканище Ispugati You can in spite of the fact that with him children more often all meet Daily, hourly in lodge. And uzh if book has read You, Try to not to offend You Image of the building since in the future He for this can avenge. .. comsuming subjects in their unnatural type O.SANNIKOVA If You once upon a time in the morning In the manner of unnatural have ripened That or the other subject from быта, His(its) do not hurry to comsume. That tower You not сумеете, But will show only безкультурье, And at statics of the motion Once again will безпокоить You. If in the night You appeared in the dreams Whole table an element, Signifies, in the night test of the Block Vozomnili You itself. And groups of ten element, Is either as their valence, You comprehensible become as if This verse or tale. But once upon a time aroused, Try that people have Not learned;learnted of open Since abnormal Will Name they then After all one already table Element varicoloured There is in запаснике beside them. Syapala калуша on напушке and увазила бутявку". L.PETRUSHEVSKAYA. If You калушу saw, On напушке сяпавшую gambol; Near by she run бутявка, But afterwards little ones калушаточки, However, they quickly подудонились And бутявку вычучили to evening, But бутявка-that and спритюкнулась And toppled him: You пуськи бятые! Signifies, too much concerned with You Modern russian this at night, And time from this occupations You little all repose. Poetry possible to write everywhere, All over, on all, On year дачном picnic, Ashore creek, On lectures on SRLYA, In trolley bus, in metro You may their write, Let people will wait. And if grandmother entered, Her place to transfer You are not obliged then After all write the masterpiece! If You consider itself adviser of the President state our If you name professor You itself in journal Buzovik , If referring to as modest гением, You reader so present, And consider that You, Great, it is Necessary monument uzh to raise, If speak all familiar You. That окончили three rates in Harvard, And afterwards else two rates in Cambridge That known You economist, That happen can that очнетесь You But not in England, but beside itself on Native land, And will understand that only in Moskalenkah You All known as big poet. "And the main hero - as it were poor people" "Lion Thick finds as it were two answers" E.V.DAVYDOVA. If You walked in park and accidentally turned out to be in unbeknownst some amazing country suddenly, where on street of the machine as it were go, and where people as it were go on boulevard, as it were like dialect, where on sky as it were shines sun, and additionally suspicious beast as it were stroll on trope, where all зыбко as in novel Sartra, signifies, You to return in the world of the reality it is necessary from such as VWVappear in the dreams. If You кальян smoked Before match with Sloveniey, Try, чтоб about this has Not heard journalist. Since безполезно Will be with him then You to argue, In the same way, as about Berezuckih, About You glory will after all go. We arrived yesterday.. Such high civilization here . From revelations of the danish professor. If it was met professor to You, from Danmark arrived, Ask him(it) to About country he did not jest. Since naming Civilization Russia, Finds obviously That sign with country вскользь. Better about its receipts That professor will let tell, And about local atheist, And about sect Senrike. Zataiv дыханье children Will his(its) long listen, After all exotic thing such did Not come as far back as siberia. If You on datcha waited Small such bus, do Not see безполезно You in turning blue distance. But peacefully show the Behaviour and type That You with stops this Was going to uzh to leave. And then bus quickly, By leaps and bounds so will arrive That You exactly wonder His(its) playfulnesses then. If two answer for any deal and more person, that guilty will exactly not to find. If You parents cake to Buy do not want in spite of the fact that You for coat their powerfully twitched That You have repeated him one hundred once, That here is this most cake Can become gift fairy-tale, That not it is necessary to cry and knock On shop window, but дождитесь You, When will become You themselves adult, Here is then parent припомните, When themselves they about пироженом Will You in vain to implore. The Night. The Silence. The Cabinet 210.. Here strike was and luminary brightly month.. From poem Al.Lipina We shall Expect, your computer On system requests Ceased suddenly why-that, As usually, answer. You check, can Carried this in it I.YU.MOROZOV Much bluff program, CHtob обезкуражить You. Even though Frost itself Beside computer забегал, Publishing cheer wild, do Not hurry to acknowledge, That You themselves too long In plays after all on he played, And from this computer Peregrelsya and envy . If clowns-clowns Appeared on threshold of the auditoriums, With fife, and instead of lecture have Offered to do round dance with singing, And accompany his(its) burning the Shrovetide of the effigy enormous That was kept else since March вешнего In auditoriums of the first floor, Know You that this provocation, And came in suit clown Eliseeva here and SHelaganova To simply lecture to vent. If prepared to occupation You on modern on russian, In кои ages that! But why-that does Not go at all Irina Mule. Do Not try to run away with occupations Even though time already later Since awaits You You teacher with stack of the dictionaries Pryam for door, and on Your head Dictionary ready be overturned If You dare all zh with occupations This, certainly, run away. The Soul requires the liberations. Well, beside us this, as a rule, wine, cigarettes, drugs. M.PONOMAREVA If requires long ago раскрепощенья Your anxious soul, That drugs do not take, And do not go at night wine. Since this too much Bezpoleznoe, shall say I You, will occupy, Nor to that it will not bring, caught, Better You contrary to other AG-70 itself will take And else textbook YAkimanskoy, For прочтеньем their раскрепощенья You reach in a matter of minutes. If You have not bought icecream, What asked You, kilogram five, But have bought what невсамделишный And tiny much shoehorn, Ublazhiti You hereunder thinking, Possible stomp the leg angrily, Possible twitch for hands of the parents, But sister for greater scythe. And заплакать from unfairness, And hereunder to itself You attention will Attract, and bathe, probably, You icecream five кило. If Your name is to work, do Not hurry to agree Since after all functioning From You in wood will not run away. Let work others, does Not need us their functioning, money no? Well and no need, we without money проживем. If on championship On football our assembly Netuti as summer of the snow Or дождика in fervour, You root for commands That play from europe, Can be, they all matches Their own will win there. And then Fifa, certainly, Prizadumaetsya powerfully As it were quota to enlarge And Russia to allow All zh to participate in play-off.. Replaceable Sloveniyu her, Since assembly from Slovenii Don't care not to win. This storm.. Since with burey. it is necessary to fight. D.FREYVALID. Explain anyone! But that I whole night to sleep not shall. Nothing do not understand. YU.HVOSTENKO If You fought with borax And so to shall occupy In institute have been late, do Not hurry to grieve. Ask You student to Explain You all in detail, Explaining that otherwise You today not to fall asleep. If to You on telephone Horse in coat suddenly addressed, Whinny became much in tube aloud, Rein you him(it). And say You, - in vain He has forgotten the bridle and сбрую, - Let he eats the oats and hay, And does not безпокоит You. If You tax agent, Simply You then necessary, CHtob дыханье Your was a become cool, For what use the garlic. Let run from You all children, people, But but then any deadbeat, having Seen You, will immediately pay All that must state he. If You have called Mihalych On some functioning, For instance, beside institute of the Branch sometime to collect, On it You do not get angry, But take with you Vondru, And Evgeniya SHazhkova and else Ponomarenko Let toil mildly. And then in its take Will be glad Mihalych, After all to labour him student to Manage-таки to attract. Academician in person You do not see Intently, he this does not stand, Without fall then he will say, For instance, such, - Not гляди You безсмысленными and stupid, Much неказистыми eye, Well but can, even and ball - Loves so professor to speak. I not shall You today мучать. I wanted You to reduce on истфак. Beside them there museum, but they there nobody does not let E.I.POTANINA Do Not go with Katerinoy You Potaninoy upstairs, There, on floor on one third, There is historians, they Very terrible outside, And such inwardly, Will You they there мучать And show the museum. А in музее plenty of Incomprehensible fragments of pottery, - Better this not to see, CHtob health to save. Nowhere need never You to argue with fool, After all one, argues with fool, Glupeet on eye. The Fool he will only be pleased That you вовлек he in dispute, And, брызжа own saliva, You to notice to rub. But if on mug fool Dare You give, Then militia fool will There cause, and You Come long to explain That did not want You Offend foolish him(it), But simply You happened to.. Well it is necessary although once in lifes be weakened! All these p e r e p and t and I end that that.. D.FREYVALID If you read the book, Try that image ZHyuli Freken did not alarm You hereafter on night. And uzh if have outdrinked, Try that people You did not compare to Freken, After all comparison such Not at all will decorate You. Main purpose prepare girl to future life T.CYGANOVA If on филфак You have entered, That not it is necessary will wonder That You will there prepare to lifes, To unusual, to future besides. The Thoughts Your and занятья will All are dedicated to that, as Girl in грядущем light Behooves else itself to lead. And quite there children forget That after all there is else and in persisting Life, so they there powerfully Wash the showers and brains. You terribly in school otpravlyati. in school will безпомощны You absolutely M.F.LUCHANOVA If in school today You have sent, does Not тушуйтесь, do not scruple the babes You, Let they what заблагорассудится On lesson there itself lead. Simply, it is necessary to bear You pause, And when детишки surprised Neotzyvchivostiyu Your, all are crowded On teacher, on You, Assign You заданье complex That they his(its) not have immediately understood, CHtob корпя, busily занимаючись, Babes executed him(it). And then is praised завуч You, Methodist You расцелует with joy, And in award for старанье выдадут You they then red diploma. If You on stadium, Vuvuzelu get, After all from sound вувузелы Enemy поверженный runs. And else wave the flag, Or, can be, wave? Let see the soccer players, For who it is necessary to be ill. Let pawns VWVtake in Beside adversary of the Russia, Let they will caught, - in vain Against us now to play. If You have offended the букашку, Doll You have beaten the silt an зверушку, That детишки You to love not will, Ibo completely You not teacher. With each small creature that under sun Dwells in city, you carefully Address since children Very receptive to that, As You with that little one have entered, But other imitate You will, - will Too become to offend the зверушек, Sneer, wing to tear off. Dasha, on You act Konstantin Balimont T.I.PODKORYTOVA If have met Balimonta In corridor of the institute at night, Politely with he, And ask, why poetry He wrote such зело wild.. And when is embarrassed Balimont, that You for nose his(its) take firmly, let Your thanks will feel. If someone under window it is Important изрекает delirium, On it You do not get angry, are Not thrown from window, And flowerses You do not throw With windowsill him Since will not understand he Thanks such. Even though he with guitar And you songs sings, And dirty exclaims, do Not yell on it. Simply hose then take And direct on it. Under струей of water, certainly, Difficult to yell. If on lesson children Much powerfully jump and jump If rotate as fidgety persons If very frantic yells, Obsessed what ill, Can be, emotional disease, Not детей to get angry You do not cost(stand), After all младенчики else they, Simply more to he do not come On lesson, then детишки, faithfully, Prizadumayutsya that not so uzh splendid They in class all zh itself. If someone in sunday Does such here is type That functioning he today Much is powerfully tired, If fight, beat Begins with gavel If very terrible drill Begins he drills. And all this in sunday Suddenly crushes he, That his(its) You ущипните To was aroused he. And then he much long Will You to thank That from heavy that functioning You have saved him(it). If You in football played And have additionally lost Hereon does not бейтесь You about chandelier by head. Since if b each After пораженья fought Then from assembly on football did Not remain b nobody. If hands force to Wash before meal, additionally At night and in the morning teeths to Clean, wash each day, You are a parent say, What is a принужденье Obviously disagrees all Konvenciyam UNO. And so child to Wash not at all is obliged Even though they are managed Vshi and fleas beside it. Usually our soccer players Then skip the balls, When for the last minute Him it is necessary little tolerate. And all they skip Offensively can be before tears So it is necessary to learn, Him it is necessary to learn to play. Let him from Holland trainer In detail all all will, Let lecture to him about protection First he all will read. Never buy In shop milk, Where it lies the hour On counter and in fervour. Since will not manage to Prepare You noodles Since only pot cheese From he will occur. Possible, someone with important type To You begin to nag, And about their own hidden feeling You continuously to speak, Their own fantasies, виденья You begin to offer, And can even, You will offer With him to agree, You then Attentively his(its) having listened, are Not irritated, not крича, Peacefully You say him: About, as me you задолбал! On other banquet so can be: At the head, the persona восседают, But vessels are smoked in the same way, Either as muzzles gun before боем, And here is-here is uzh in ceiling ready There пальнуть champaign бутыли, Prepared not in vain, After all on that banquet all wait You. Do Not scruple, cut Itself pie little, And take You баранью the leg, Vossedavshuyu on guard;keep. Let at ease, the guests Feel itself, play, Let sprinkle супчик, Pickle and spices, as children, The Main without alcohol This evening call on That guests ugliness did Not make You. If You session gave In Old Vasyukah then in boat Hereon session You run the побыстрей. Under good training Running from chess-player You успеете, certainly, Escape in semidarkness ночном. If roads to You romantic Mite Cahes silt Novalis, Silt Anselim Kenterberiyskiy, Silt student Natanieli, If for Prusta you ready to Argue before morning under elm, This signifies, to seminar You read much books, And so You have today Loved the зарубежку So that for VWVtake in now You Impossible to tear away. If You novel read, do not lose the taste and savor since foreign - You nowhere near not "MOK". Since even Kafka can so put up that his(its) произведенье will appear in the dreams on night. Since "Prevraschenie" - steeply for детей, therefore novel about "Lock" better детям not to read. If You under rain have got, Get quickly umbrella Since not easily Under rain after all and without зонта. Will be a people to Russia, under зонтами, on You глядя, head to swing, VWVfeel sorry that You left without it. The Type will look like drenched chicken That expressed YArmolinik On chicken of the tobacco. Multiply and multiply, children my, as it is said in Holy scriptures N.N.SCHERBAKOVA If You long ago fell in love, do Not hurry to confess, Wait can, the first You confess Your friend. What the experience shows, Wait the confessions You long Will does not coincide Often choice beside friends. And about this You will tell the Film Big change . Where влюбленные so long could Not understand at all, Who who there adores While time has not come, When сценарист pictures Them on vapour(pair) has separated. If You in its checking have Found the errors, do Not hurry them immediately And сумняшесь to correct. After all on measure исправленья will Increase number an error Before heights vast, And will think You, That in vain You in checking On SRLYA all corrected That calm was simply Beside Larisy all write off. Interesting.. I liked the situation . L.MAKEEVA If situation liked If component dependent Requires itself likenning If numbers, birth, cases They Were Mixed up in сознаньи Your firmly, Beloshapkovoy textbook throw, Henceforward let will You always assistant Only only reliable good sense. If once upon a time at day sunday Your neighbour, живущий beside, Suddenly врубил cacophony, Keep cool You then. After all his(its) You not to correct, do Not brawl and do not argue, Patiently wait out, VWVtake in closing all zh. With наступленьем nights this Stops, and then uzh You neighbour to their own thoughts will Straight be able to say. If have loved You old woman, Whole azh in volcanic wrinkle, Mumbling so sensual, And her(its) have named You паркеткой ( is formed from word parka , - That прядущая greater thread ), Boldly grandmother You take away, Put on bicycle. And about this You novel write, Let envies You V.NABOKOV With its Lolitoy , and in Paris Your will acknowledge the пребольшой a talent. If You on выступленьи Fun new have said Left book beside student Certain group, under названьем As on certain KVNE to Win, not having won nor reek , Signifies You today people YU.MANDRYKINOY call. Iznachalino sounded the Fun even so otherwise, But but then on you Strazhkova does Not обидится now. If speak You people: Here is you your bride! - Abut against, do not take And отбрыкивайтесь You. Only if You will offer to Get acquainted with Menyaylo, only then you agree, After all she so good! On rows went with фауст-patron and киянкой comptroller-самолетчик Network-Network Twelfth ( foul, shall say I you, lad ). After his(its) careful check survived a few From play Al.Lipina Further nowhere We today promised In plane and metro Will too be a comptrollers, CHtob not bored was us. And they with киянкой will be On salon to pass, beating passenger, havihg no ticket and others. In the same way either as in сериале Further nowhere they Will sing and веселиться, What dreamed our Aleksey. If You poetry wrote And afterwards published, On them review certainly will Without fall come. Even though You all faithfully, On canon have written If verse Your fresh and is built If sense is given to drink, You will write that no rhymes That no rhythm in him, and sense That You were in insole drunk, When did him(it). Since that poets Themselves so fairly often write, And their own произведенья Occupy them always. There really there is rhyme, Rhythm, but no talent completely, Bored their read, additionally And безсмысленны they. If клацая teeth. To you подкрался the wolf hungry. Signifies, at night read Fairy tale SHarlya You Perro, And itself вообразили Her(its) main героиней Since wolfs today Complitly scientist, they No way детей немытых to Eat and do not agree, Since appetite to spoil Possible dirty детьми. If You literature On филфаке studied, Try certainly Book turn black to buy. Since Your professor Her(its) author waits long ago uzh, CHtob although anyone brochure His(its) this has read. Fish this good essence. As it were she old woman has offended? YU.HVOSTENKO I wanted vnesti. some formation on lesson YU.MANDRYKINA We shall Expect that once upon a time Suddenly question зашел прям in fairy tale, Where friend with дружкой grandparent and woman of the Vein on брегу sea. Having Read such fairy tale, To seminar prepare the Explanation that fish Good after all essence. Could Not she offend Even ancient old woman, - thereby You will contribute its formation On lesson. If You have solved firmly Sobriety rate to Your lifes If harden road You have solved all zh to elect, Try You friends familiar On eye not to get Since You in Russia and nobody You will not understand. And uzh if saw You craving under elm, Try not to scold their After all on neck can give. If Your neighbour Grigorich Was going to for самогонкой, Ask him(it) that He You хлебушка will bring. Since from пристрастья To alcohol, certainly, For Fatherland after all profit to Be some must. Someone be afraid Silivera, someone be afraid the Ticket Bonsa, But menya. I was afraid Miller itself! Al.Lipin If You are afraid Miller, Signifies, intimidated babe, having Shown him, where paradise, Povedeniem its You, The Unworthy teacher, But that паче methodist. And now uzh to apologize To Miller time. Prepare do not try You irish stew If You not cook, not cook And not experienced gourmet. Since trace will Not remain from products, Fat burns, and acerbic smoke Will застилать eye. А on taste stew such Will be a hose to remind, His(its) simply Will impossible be a friend to offer. If came to You boys And amicably yells under window, Allegorizing on questions Different, worrying them, If sing they canto, are Dared and with joy whinny, You do not give they chance of the Small chance to fall asleep, Wake You him grateful That sit they there, There, under window, hereunder You entertain they. And solitude more You after all will not tear apart, Skrasit let their stay Your midnight leisure. But if You осерчали, In window no need to throw the Subjects home быта And room flowerses. Dozhditesi while boys will Tell all and will run away, Then possible will peacefully You vapour(pair) hours подремать. If meet You name In book old Frensis Bekon, do Not think that this Vanguard was a goalkeeper. Although he was and foreigner, He philosopher and scientist, And in hockey he for command of the Region did not play. If You from city Milano To we have arrived to share the experience That lectures to read, tell, Kvatrochento and Mazachcho to present, Try, чтоб детей attention to You although sometimes was spared, CHtob whole vapour(pair) did not play in chess Boys longing for there. If in school was poisoned завуч, And take You it is necessary on functioning(working) the New teacher, not it is necessary Then long think and guess. Since chemist he dangerous, Mathematician unbalanced, Physicist is spoilt напряженьем, But biologist sniffs the herb. Only teacher of the literature Possible post responsible to entrust. Since in university He and not such has ed. If lesson has prepared bad Unless know ензык and епоху If on russian literature All ожиданья they have defrauded, Then on студенток not it is necessary to get angry, Soil not it is necessary in journal of the page, Dyad do not put, and do not yell, To завучу, to rector You do not go. Better дождитесь, when uzh настанет Zacheta time, and then without fall All him припомните, will say so: On пересдачу! Otherwise at all . If at night you want, Say, music to listen, You in Ostashkovo езжайте, There hear шансон. And else cacophony, And greater drums, Will there knock and грохать, Late at night then. Beside ларька there dwell Very strange scum, They breathe перегаром If possible so to speak, If there is else дыханье In these strange organism, After all in проклятьях упражняясь, have Forgotten completely they that Near by they live the people, and work at datcha.. They, scum, inaccessible Understanding that. Arrive they in city And knocks about перекрытья, So people they do not love, And gambol so in country. We shall Expect, ed mad Your officious neighbour, Settled on-proximity, Became he frantic to knock, Became to knock about перекрытья, Much badly expressing, So behave, as it is woke;waked He lives in its country. Yes, in Russia so could be, And happened this often, And particularly if in Tomske Veins You and Your neighbour. Yes, come You to abandon Sey hospitable city, But neighbour will let remain In vile вотчине its. Will he knocks and грохать, Much badly expressing, But his(its) uzh not услышим We curses and shout. If you came on валеологию, In table doughnut require immediately. And гляди that Mordvin Morning meal your has not eaten, villian. study;probe;learn пищеваренье So will caught, why us food, And research;investigate spleen For what she needs. If you professor Glotov On exam will suddenly ask, Possible tell, as powerfully Love You SRLYA. If read at all can not You product Turgeneva If You find can not After ball as his(its) tale. That think, after all much can be, After ball that product, You for reading recommended, Not Turgenev has written Thick. If You taught, That test Its детям offer, will Let write they all, All, that their trained After all test Very not bad facility To You little repose. If You in library Suddenly have once upon a time peeked, That not much wonders That yells the students there. After all wild students Became in Russia modern, In primitive состояньи They stroll рыщут, and When time настанет Conferences, then uzh They so itself will show That to want to run From that You institute, Where gambol not on-baby, Where they during гона So piercing yells. If have invited You on holiday If You have elected toastmaster In spite of the fact that You known Either as бузотер, and rowdy, That holds You запанибрата, And guests take on-master's, is Woke;waked You whole manager, is Woke;waked the most main You in country. Having Seized with itself mikes, Deafened guests by music wild, You for gills them then take, Require the gift and envelope. When guests heartily eat the fill, When will become the guests good-natured, Quickly You gift withdrew, Running away in door invisibly.. And then all will be grateful You that holiday with You So passed miraculously and peacefully, and scandal have not carried out You. If You in siberia turned out to be If You have arrived on datcha Then from television set of the program Hardly You see then. And additionally it is necessary television set to Bring there, his(its) having adjusted, CHtob to see, say, transmission of the first channel, for instance. If You have caughted the manager, Manager elderly, Manager, who little Remembers, that takes You him(it).. Yes, take You for gills And textbook YAkimanskoy You засуньте him in gulp.. Exactly wonders he! But if and YAkimanskoy Inaccessible You textbook. AG-70 take, Will be sound then! He rascal! Well, he man, and this all are said . D.FREYVALID. Beregitesi You in Russia, Beregitesi You mans Since very wild This folk, all rascals. They plenty of smoke, Plenty of speak, Air beside poisonning, Not giving You to breathe.. On fishing go often, Else more often they пьют, CHtob from they are defended, You bat it is necessary to take. Or You take the sabre Or even machine gun To was You handy be Beaten off from mans. If You Ivan Ivanych Offers be changed, Offers for handgun You Suporosuyu pig, On it You do not get angry, Simply so he will say Poceluytesi You with pig, but handgun I You not дам! If You on посвященьи Sang all Gaudeamus , That do not thinks that this You will help to deliver зачет. Even though danced You on институтской to scene Even though You jested, And laughed amicably common-room, Nothing teacher From that, alas, did not hear.. He it is important to knew Only You his(its) subject. If duck and chicken Beside you in house grow, Try that people Not scarecrow them then. Since these birds Vpechatlitelinye much, And at type of the person are Hidden where глядят. Better You take the duck And girlfriend ask That canto сочинила About питомице she. If You brochure saw, With name Useful advices , Try, чтоб brochure this has Read Your all friends. Can her(its) print boldly, Boldly send on telegraph, will Let learn the people of advice, And прислушаются, can, to him. Lokti let завистники bite, Follow the advice You useful, And then they greater joy And, possible, happiness will bring. 6. If You on cosmodrome... 7. If built You bath... 8. If in past have approached You on butterfly.. 9. If with hutches in Krasnoyarke.. 10. If went You on border.. 11. If You in wood dremuchem.. 12. If You have solved the honey... 13. If You for day рожденья.. 14. See you later in the following advice.. 15. If likes You Brezhnev.. 16. If You elephant reshili.. 17. If combined team to Russia.. 18. If in the morning You alarm clock... 19. If have written многотомник You... 20. If You in музее ocheni.. 21. If You ball once upon a time прям in window ugodili.. 22. If, accepting vannu.. 23. We shall Expect, You as geniy.. 24. If You, пришедши in guests... 25.... 26. If You will go in exploring.. 27. If You on телебашню.. 28. If on someone else planete.. 29. If in atomic podlodke.. 30. If You on datcha letom.. 31. If on velosipede.. 32. If You in march dolgo.. 33. If You for birth day have presented something in upakovochke.. 34. If You once upon a time on appointment.. 35. If You in rocking chair letom.. 36. know; aware: Not in vain on vegetable garden.. 37. Draw the linens maslom.. 38. Unless have bought You cake.. 39. If You raised the cactus.. 40. If You roll with gorki.. 41. On datcha it is necessary only igrati.. 42. If went You on road and have noticed sosuliku.. 43. If You with morning dream, as poet stati.. 44. If You want parikmaherom.. 45. The Poetry to think up I master ( the second picture ). 46. It is nothing do not agree You swing on kachelyah.. 47. If once upon a time on болоте You lyagushku.. 48. Why so in siberia.. 49. In microscopes do not see.. 50. If You in march sobralisi.. 51. If did You gryadku.. 52. write Its useful advice. 53. Nothing do not promise.. 54. If have met You druga.. 55. If "Robinzonu Cruz. 56. The Early autumn .. 57. Beside крылечка on zakate.. 58. If You on vuvuzele.. 59. Do Not behave oddly, do not dream.. 60. If You have sent korablik.. 61. If from marsh begemota.. 62. Beside elephant was zhena.. 1. IP ( first picture ) 2. If You on motor ship.. 3. See here, boys that I shall tell You about Nabokove.. 4. If You cat has bought.. 5. If You caughted rybu.. IP ( the first picture ) 1 Second picture 46 If likes You Brezhnev.. 15 See here, boys that I shall tell You about Nabokove.. 3 If You for day рожденья.. 13 If you in музее much.. 20 If You on motor ship.. 2 If you, пришедши in guests.. 24 If you in wood дремучем 11 If you on телебашню 27 Unless have bought You cake.. 38 If You ball once upon a time... 21 Shall Expect, You as genius 23 If, accepting bath.. 22 If on someone else planet.. 28 If you will go in exploring 26 If you elephant has solved 16 If you on cosmodrome 6 If combined team to Russia 17 If in atomic submarine 29 It is nothing do not agree 46 If You in march long 32 If You once upon a time on appointment 34 If in the morning you alarm clock 18 If You in rocking chair by summer 35 know; aware: not in vain on vegetable garden 36 If went you on border 10 If You cat has bought 4 If built You bath 7 If You went fishing 5 If on bicycle 31 If you raised cactus 39 If in passed approached 8 If have written многотомник You 19 If You have solved the honey 12 If from marsh of the hippopotamus 61 On datcha it is necessary only to play.. 41 Draw the linens a mask 37 If You roll with hutches 40 If went You on road and have noticed the icicle.. 42 If You have sent the nautilus 60 Beside крылечка on sundown 57 If You with morning dream.. 43 if have met You friend.. 54 Do Not behave oddly, do not dream 59 If You 50 were going to in march If did You грядку 51 nothing do not promise.. 53 If once upon a time on болоте 47 49 do not see In microscopes If with hutches in Krasnoyarke 9 If You want the hairdresser 44 If You on datcha by summer 30 If You for birth day have presented something in упаковочке 33 If "Robinzonu cruz" 55 If You parents cake.. If You on stadium 58 If You in football played the Early autumn 56 beside elephant was a wife 62 Why so in siberia 48 write its Useful advice 52 See you later in the following advice 14ири 48 write its Useful advice 52 See you later in the following advice 14ли on velosipede.. 32. If You in march dolgo.. 33. If You for birth day have presented something in upakovochke.. 34. If You once upon a time on appointment.. 35. If You in rocking chair letom.. 36. know; aware: Not in vain on vegetable garden.. 37. Draw the linens maslom.. 38. Unless have bought You cake.. 39. If You raised the cactus.. 40. If You roll with gorki.. 41. On datcha it is necessary only igrati.. 42. If went You on road and have noticed sosuliku.. 43. If You with morning dream, as poet stati.. 44. If You want parikmaherom.. 45. The Poetry to think up I master ( the second picture ). 46. It is nothing do not agree You swing on kachelyah.. 47. If once upon a time on болоте You lyagushku.. 48. Why so in siberia.. 49. In microscopes do not see.. 50. If You in march sobralisi.. 51. If did You gryadku.. 52. write Its useful advice. 53. Nothing do not promise.. 54. If have met You druga.. 55. If "Robinzonu Cruz. 56. The Early autumn ..